About Us
Wealth Managers Australia is an Australian owned and operated company that provides access to a wide range of products and services relating to financial investment.
At Wealth Managers Australia we don’t promise miracles, but we do offer professional solutions coupled with caring service, and above all, we offer value. Our trusted team of Finance Consultants combine their years of experience to provide workable solutions, delivering achievable and realistic results.
Wealth Managers Australia is an Australian owned and operated company that provides access to a wide range of products and services relating to financial investment. We provide services that assist with wealth creation, investment strategy and investing in property.
Our office is located in Queensland and we periodically offer Investment Strategy Seminars across Australia.
Reach our licences at: www.asic.gov.au
Australia Business Number (ABN): 66 627 944 932
Australian Company Number (ACN): 627 944 932
Australian Credit Licence (ACL): 511699
Meet our team.
Our trusted team combine their years of experience to provide workable solutions and deliver achievable and realistic results.
How we can help?
We provide a range of products and services to assist everyday Australians turn their dreams and aspirations into reality.
Client Testimonials
“From the moment we sat with Wealth Managers we felt at ease, they were able to put all of our fears to bed. We couldn't be more pleased with the results so far; the team used their experience, and we knew they genuinely wanted to help us.”
- Charlie and Jodie
“It has been a smooth ride and the team has been brilliant. Right from explaining the little stuff, the nitty gritty's and responding back to our queries, Wealth Managers Australia has been fantastic. I am very happy with the level of professionalism and have no hesitation in recommending them.”
- Monil and Pooja
"I've been with Wealth Managers Australia for four years now, my confidence with all the team is above and beyond. I'm very impressed with their positive energy, attitude and integrity."
- Paul

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